Yosry Azzam (Co-Chair) | NRIAG | Egypt |
Zouhair Benkhaldoun (Co-Chair) | Cadi Ayyad University | Morocco |
David Buckley | SAAO | South Africa |
Massimo Capaccioli | INAF | Italy |
Denise Rocha Gonçalves | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Dragana Ilic | University of Belgrade | Serbia |
Abdelfady Morcos | Head of the Egyptian National Committee of Astronomy and Space Science | Egypt |
Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón | IAC | Spain |
Sergio Ortolani | UNI-Padova | Italy |
Mirjana Povic (Co-Chair) | SSGI / IAC-CSIC | Ethiopia / Spain |
Alshimaa Saad | Cairo University | Egypt |
Rachel Street | Las Cumbres Observatory | USA |
Solomon Belay Tessema | Ministry of Technology and Innovation / SSGI | Ethiopia |
David Valls-Gabaud | CNRS | France |
Constance E. Walker | NSF’s NOIRLab / IAU CPS | France |
Michitoshi Yoshida | NAOJ | Japan |